for a timid bookworm with coke bottle glasses and an aversion to team sports, i somehow managed to get myself pretty scratched and bruised up during my formative years. whether i was gullibly accepting my older brother's ill-fated footrace challenges or skipping through the house with all the grace of a baby elephant, for a while it seemed like i couldn't go a day without drawing blood, breaking skin, or falling down. i still have the scars to commemorate my childhood clumsiness, but for the most part, i don't mind them.
still, there are a couple i could live without, most notably a nick to the eyebrow that refuses to correct itself. back in elementary school, wednesdays were half-days, and therefore the day of my weekly library visit. on one particular wednesday, i must have checked out some terribly exciting tome or other because once outside the library, i took off away from my mother in a giddy half-skip. naturally, i didn't even make it to the end of the block. my foot got caught on a chunk of broken sidewalk, and i pitched forward, nosediving into a cocktail of concrete and glass, as a broken bottle laying on the ground just missed my left eye and sliced into my brow instead.
after my mother got through cleaning me up, chewing me out, and praying over me, she began waiting for my now-sullied brow to grow back in and correct itself. unfortunately, that day never came. with age, my brows grew thicker and somewhat obscured the mark, but it's still there.

in the meantime, i've always been a sucker for audrey hepburn's almost cartoonishly thick eyebrows, and every time i visit the phenomenal cheap thrills, i find myself seriously envying the gorgeous raez's bold brows (and outfits, and poses, and photography..). my own brows aren't what i would call thin by any means, but lately my mission is the thicker, the better, so i ventured into the soho mac store a few weeks ago and bought an eyebrow pencil in stud. since i never wear makeup, this is quite a big step for me. i know better than to step out displaying my amateur handiwork just yet, but until then i'll consider it a minor new year's resolution to master bigger, badder, and better brows - scars be damned.
I have a little nick to the eyebrow as well, thanks to the chicken pox when I was about 4.
There's no shame in penciling in those brows!
I love your new header! I liked the Sophomore one you had before too; I actually intern for them! They're great. xx
That sounds painful! I hate my eyebrows, never the right shape!
x x x
link swap done!
You´re right. Thick brows are the best.
i feel just like you .. my eyebrow will always be skimpy .
but we have the penicl to fix it ... ive done pretty well with it and i can never go out without wearing it .. sometimes when im in the mood i make them even bigger with eyebrow powder .. it works ... but be sure to err on the side of caution ... its tough to undo it .
those eyebrows are fierce!
i absolutely hate my eyebrows, for they've always been shaped so funny. but oh well...
Thick eyebrows are gorgeous!
I love that first photo. It looks so serene. And the earring is gorgeous.
Agreed. I hate tiny eyebrows, especially when people have dark hair. Much better thicker!
agreed:) the bigger the better;) thank you for the mention my dear!
xx raez
yeah i love her brows too...:)++
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