we dance to the beat of love lost and then won back


there was a time when i would buy pretty much any piece of clothing that had a disney character on it, with the exception of especially saccharine pieces from theme parks and the like. as a result, friends and family began to snatch up disney memorabilia indiscriminately on my behalf, resulting in a collection consisting of a few gems and a whole lot of filler.

learning to incorporate my ongoing disney obsession into my wardrobe has forced me to calm my trigger finger, but when i wandered into funky fanny's at the brooklyn flea, i knew i'd found some kindred spirits. after snatching up a beauteous mickey cap, which is being reserved for an especially bright and sunny day this summer, i headed over to their online outpost, where they have an entire shopping section dedicated to the mouse. there, i found the mickey sweatshirt of my dreams, vaguely varsity-esque stripes, loose fit, and felt mickey appliqué and all. of course, it didn't hurt that it's the exact one that one of my major girl crushes happens to own.

winning abounds.

[via funky fanny's]

1 comment:

CDG said...

I have a weakness for disney character clothes as well but for some reason haven't gotten my hands on too much Mickey Mouse pieces. This sweater looks perfect though, especially with the stripes and I bet it's so comfortable.
And that Stylelikeu vid is one of my favorites.